

Input Component Styling

Every input component is divided into several sections. Their position and nesting level is illustrated as below. Each section can be styled respectively using class or inline styles.

To do styling, provide the class or styles of the section in the layout.

  "formControlName": "...",
  "type": "...",
  "layout": {
    "hostClass": "...",
    "hostStyles": "...",
    "labelClass": "...",
    "labelStyles": "...",

If children exists, which means the input is a FormGroup, then the "Input Area" section will be replaced by "Form Group" section.

Description Position

By default, description is place right after "Label", but before "Input Area". Set layout.descriptionPosition to after, to place it after the "Input Area".

Content Collapsible


Provide to let content to be able to expand/collapse by clicking the label. The value is use to set the initial state of the content. label must be provided.

Auto Add Required Class


If set to true, then required class will automatically add to the label element, when there is validator named required in the validators array. Default is true.

Hide Label


Use to hide the label, but still provide the label value. For example, when using Angular Material, set this to true to prevent duplicate label.



export interface FormLayout {
  hostClass?: string;
  hostStyles?: string;
  labelClass?: string;
  labelStyles?: string;
  contentClass?: string;
  contentStyles?: string;
  formGroupStyles?: string;
  formGroupClass?: string;
  descriptionClass?: string;
  descriptionStyles?: string;
  inputAreaClass?: string;
  inputAreaStyles?: string;
  errorClass?: string;
  errorStyles?: string;
  descriptionPosition?: "before" | "after";
  hideLabel?: boolean;
  contentCollapsible?: "collapse" | "expand";
  autoAddRequiredClass?: boolean;